

Short Q&A

[Short Q&A][twocolumns]

Is humanity suicidal? - Textual question and answers.

Is humanity suicidal edward o wilson

1: Do you place credibility on the opinions expressed in the essay?
Ans: Yes. In the essay, ‘Is humanity suicidal’, Wilson is making a global wake up call. He describes in detail the destruction of world's ecosystem. The picture he presents is very bleak and according to him the human species itself is an environmental hazard. The control of the ecosystem is impossible because we cannot replicate all the complex interactions and relationships that exist among the millions of species on the earth. Some people may take Wilson’s warnings as mere opinions. But Wilson's arguments are scientific to a great extent.
2: Do you think Wilson’s views are a bit pessimistic?
Ans: No. Wilson is not pessimistic. His words may appear pessimistic simply because he speaks about the extinction of the human species. It is bitter but it is a possible reality.
3: Do you agree that humans must change their behavior in order to survive as a species?
Ans: Yes. Humans must change their behaviour to survive. This is because ecosystems on the earth are heavily damaged by the present style of living of humanity. They have to adopt an eco-friendly mode of life.
4: Do Wilson’s statements and opinions appear logical and ring true to you?
Ans: Yes, E.O. Wilson draws our attention to the decline of ecosystem. Human kinds play a crucial role in this process. Wilson traces the history of the gradual destruction of ecosystem in a convincing manner. In addition to this, Wilson suggests the measures to be followed to reduce environmental issues.
5: Can this paper be considered as strictly scientific argument in support of his conclusions?
Ans: No. The paper is scientific only in some aspects. Some other aspects are presented without scientific packing and are not facts.

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